Deleting a theme

If you need to, you can delete a theme. Deleting a theme removes any associations to a search profile. If you try to delete a theme that is already assigned to a search profile, the software displays an alert message that indicates that the theme is being used by one or more search profiles and that the software will apply the current default theme to those search profiles, in place of the deleted theme. For more information about how to change the theme assigned to a profile, see Changing the custom page elements for a search profile.

When you delete a theme, the link to the CSS file is removed, but the file remains on the server.

If you delete a theme while another administrative user is editing it, the software refreshes the Theme List and displays an error message indicating that the record has been deleted by another user.

If you try to delete a theme that has been recently set as the default theme in another session by another administrative user, the software displays an error message indicating that the record has been modified by another user, and preventing you from deleting the theme.

To delete a theme

  1. Log in to the Admin console.
  2. Choose Themes from the navigation pane.
  3. Find the theme that you want to delete, then choose the Delete option next to the theme information.

    Note: You cannot delete the default theme.

  4. When prompted, choose OK to delete the theme, or choose Cancel to discard your changes.

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